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Most of my current research centers around the application of operator algebras and tensor categories to problems in quantum physics, particularly in the contexts of quantum information, quantum many-body physics and topologically ordered phases of matter. Other interests include TQFTs, higher categories, subfactors, and representation theory. I am also interested in related philosophical questions in the foundations of physics, and the relationship between mathematics and the physical world. 

-My research is currently supported by NSF Grant DMS- 2247202. 


-From 2019-2023, by research was supported by NSF Grant DMS-2100531 (transfer from DMS-1901082).

-Here is a link to my Google Scholar page.

Publications and Preprints:

  • Quantum cellular automata and categorical dualities of spin chains (with Kylan Schatz and Dominic J. Williamson). arXiv: 2410.08884

  • Quantum symmetries of noncommutative tori. (with David E. Evans). arXiv:2404.14466

  • Levin-Wen is a gauge theory: entanglement from topology (with Kyla Kawagoe, Sean Sanford, David Green, and David Penneys). Comm. Math. Phys. arXiv:2401.13838

  • Equivariant D-stability for actions of tensor categories (with Samuel Evington and Sergio Girón Pacheco). Accepted to Journal of Operator Theory. arXiv: 2401.14238

  • An index for quantum cellular automata on fusion spin chains (with Junhwi Lim). Annales Henri Poincaré. arXiv:2309.10961

  • ​Local topological order and boundary algebras (with David Penneys, Pieter Naaijkens, and Daniel Wallick). Accepted to Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. arXiv:2307.12552

  • ​​DHR bimodules of quasi-local algebras and symmetric quantum cellular automata. Accepted to Quantum Topology (special issue dedicated to Vaughan Jones)  arXiv:2304.00068

  • Unitary connections on Bratteli diagrams (with Paramita Das, Shamindra Ghosh, and Mainak Ghosh). Journal of Topology and Analysis (2023). arXiv:2211.03822

  • Composing topological domain walls and anyon mobility (with Peter Huston, Fiona Burnell, and David Penneys). SciPost Physics (2023). arXiv:2208.14018

  • K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras. (with Quan Chen and Roberto Hernández Palomares). Comm. Math. Phys. arXiv:2207.11854  

  • Equivariant fusion subcategories. (with César Galindo). Transformation Groups (2024). arXiv:2111.09116  

  • A categorical Connes' 𝛘(M) (with Quan Chen and David Penneys). Math. Ann. (2023). arXiv:2111.06378 

  • Q-system completion for C* 2-categories (with Quan Chen, Roberto Hernández Palomares and David Penneys).  J. Funct. Anal. (2022).  arxiv:2105.12010 

  • Remarks on anomalous symmetries of C*-algebras. Comm. Math. Phys. (2021).  arxiv:2011.13898

  • A 3-categorical perspective on G-crossed braided categories (with David Penneys and David Reutter).  J. London Math. Soc. (2023). arxiv:2009.00405

  • Triangle presentations and tilting modules for SL2k+1. J. Comb. Algebra. (2021). arxiv:2005.07172

  • Extension theory for braided-enriched fusion categories (with Scott Morrison, David Penneys, and Julia Plavnik).  Int. Math. Res. Not. (2022). arxiv:1910.03178

  • Computing fusion rules for spherical G-extensions of fusion categories (with Marcel Bischoff). Selecta Math (2022).  arxiv:1909.02816 

  • Rank-finiteness for G-crossed braided fusion categories (with Scott Morrison, Eric C. Rowell, and Dmitri Nikshych).  Transform. Groups. (2020). arxiv:1902.06165 

  • Spontaneous symmetry breaking from anyon condensation (with Marcel Bischoff, Yuan-Ming Lu, and David Penneys).  J. High Energ. Phys. (2019).  arxiv:1811.00434

  • Fusing binary interface defects in topological phases: the Vec(Z/pZ) case (with Daniel Barter and Jacob C. Bridgeman). J. Math. Phys. (2019).  arxiv: 1810.09469

  • Domain walls in topological phases and the Brauer-Picard ring for Vec(Z/pZ)  (with Daniel Barter and Jacob C. Bridgeman). Comm. Math. Phys. (2019). arxiv: 1806.01279

  • Vanishing of categorical obstructions for permutation orbifolds (with Terry Gannon). Comm. Math. Phys. (2019).  arXiv:1804.08343

  • Free oriented extensions of subfactor planar algebras (with Shamindra Kumar Ghosh and Madhav B. Reddy).  Internat. J. of Math.  (2018). arXiv:1805.08971

  • Annular representations of free product categories (with Shamindra Kumar Ghosh and Madhav B. Reddy). J. Noncommut. Geom. (2020). arxiv:1803.06817

  • Fusion rules for Z/2Z permutation gauging (with Cain Edie-Michell and Julia Plavnik).  J. Math Phys. (2019). arXiv:1804.01657

  • Q-systems and compact W*-algebra objects (with David Penneys), Contemporary Mathematics series. arXiv:1707.02155 

  • Realizations of algebra objects and discrete subfactors (with David Penneys). Adv. Math. (2019).  arXiv:1704.02035

  • Operator algebras in rigid C*-tensor categories (with David Penneys). Comm. Math. Phys. (2017).  arxiv: 1611.04620

  • Classification of Thurston-relation subfactor planar algebras (with Zhengwei Liu and Yunxiang Ren).  Quantum Topol. (2019). arxiv:1606.00779 

  • Eigenvalues of rotations and braids in spherical fusion categories (with Daniel Barter and Henry Tucker). J. Algebra (2018). arxiv:1611.00071

  • Quantum G2 categories have property (T). Internat. J. Math. (2016). arXiv: 1504.08338

  • Annular representation theory for rigid C*-tensor categories (with Shamindra Kumar Ghosh).  J. Funct. Anal. (2016). arXiv:1502.06543

  • Discrete homotopy theory and critical values of metric space (with Jim Conant, Victoria Cur- nutte, Conrad Plaut, Kristen Pueschel, Maria Lusby, and Jay Wilkins). Fund. Math. (2014). arXiv:1205.2925​​



Recorded Talks:

Here are links to (recentish) recordings of talks I've given at some workshops/conferences/seminars:

1). Quantum cellular automata on fusion spin chains, Kadanoff Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Chicago (video)

2). Holographic principle for local topological order, IMSA, University of Miami (video)

3). Topological invariants of symmetric quantum cellular automata, BIRS, Banff, CA (video)

4). Quantum cellular automata on fusion categorical spin chains, ICMS Edinburgh, UK (video)

5). K-theoretic classification of inductive limit actions of fusion categories on AF-algebras, HIM Bonn, DE (video)

6). Spontaneous symmetry breaking from anyon condensation, BIRS, Banff CA (video)

(Current and Former) PhD Students:

Emily McGovern

Sean Thompson

Kylan Schatz

Ali Elokl

Alex Betz

Noah Lanier

Ian Bunner

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